Saturday, April 16, 2011

FiNaL eXaM....!!!

Symptom symptom student bila final exam around the corner...

1. Membaca tanpa menghiraukan sekeliling. Yang kepoh jadi pendiam. (orang masuk keluar bilik pun tak perasan, kalau orang tanya pun muka pandang nota je, jawab pon nak tak nak. Kalau jalan.jalan tersepak batu tu, reaksi dia lambat sikit. Sebab otak full load )

2. Membaca dengan kadar yang cepat. (entah faham ke tak belakang kira, sebab nak jawab subjektif, hentam pon boleh, yang penting ada point nak goreng )

3. Nak turun café tu fikir 2,3 kali. Tak pun sekali sehari je. Tu pun bungkus.cepat. jimat masa makan kat bilik. Sambil makan boleh membaca apa yg patut.

4. Time nak exam baru laaa nak full semayang. Solat sunat sampai nak batal air sembahyang. Doa macam.macam. (dan.dan. tapi alhamdulillah)

5. Agak yang nak mereng tu start la nak bukak mp3 volume paling sakit telinga. Tapi time ni memang tak sakit telinga. Sebab sakit otak lebih dari sakit telinga.

6. Masa tidur pon boleh terbayang-bayang yang baca tadi(ada tu siap ambik handout letak tepi bantal. Moga-moga dapat buat daya serapan terus lagi bagus.

7. Masa borak dengan kawan pun cakap pasal pelajaran je. (ni part tak leh blah la. Time mandi pun ada yang tanya-tanya. Dahsyat.)

8. Kalau main message tu balas sikit.sikit je. Pendek pendek. Tak de mase nak fikir taip panjang.panjang.

9. Sebab nak exam duduk dalam bilik je. Mengadap handout, buku, nota.nota. (jadi beruang kutub, sampai rambut serabai pon tak 
perasan) selalunye merayau g bilik orang. Tak pun kluar. G main bowling lah. Tgk wayang lah. Pantang ade mase terluang.

10. Nak buang sampah pun terbawak pen. (ni kes cuak sangat ni)

11. Agak2 stok megi tu habis kot untuk orang yang gila study. Jimat masa nak turun café masak air je pastu letak megi. Nak budak pandai sikit tak makan megi. Minum milo. Makan biskut hup seng ke, nestum ke. Roti memang dah prepare dah. Suruh mmber beli.

12. Nak bukak facebook rasa tak senang gila. Perghh. Membazir.masa. (time ni memang tertekan gila. Kena berperang dengan diri sendiri nak bukak facebook, formspring,blog . Sebab laptop depan mata. Kabel/wifi kat sebelah je. Exam minggu depan. Nanti duduk depan facebook memang buku OFF9 terus.)

13. Time ni ah baru bukak buku tebal. Bukak kamus tu yang tak tahan tu. Masa lecture dulu tak faham tak de hati pulak nak bukak kamus kan. ;P

14. Asyik-asyik tengok jam je. Sampai tak cukup jam handphone, jam tangan. Tanya lagi mmber sebelah. Haihhh. Keliru sangat budak nih.

15. Stok Nescafe, kopi tongkat ali, kopi mak dara, cucu dara semua memang ade lah. Nak stay up.

16. Hah. Ni memang sure. Meja studi bersepah gila. Mana dengan highlighternya. Pen biru, hitam , merah. Kertas-kertas memang confirm bersepah punya. Agak2 ade nota yang hilang tu mula nak naik angin. Buku semua terbukak. Kalau ada buku tambahan dari library tu semua nak dibukaknya serentak. Ada tu 4,5 buku serentak bukak.

17. Masa ni lah status facebook, blog “mintak maaf. Doakan exam nanti”

18. Muka blurr je. Sebab otak dah full tank. Makan sorang-sorang pon dah tak heran. Sebab tak nak membazir mase lepak ramai-ramai. Nanti ade je bende nk borak.

19. Kalau nak cakap pon tersasul-sasul. Salah cakap. Pastu cakap benda merepek je. Muka dah la cam zombie. Cakap merepek.repek sebab otak fikit handout, nota tak baca lagi vs nak jalan-jalan. Nak borak.borak. sampai satu tahap rasa nak rebus buku dengan handout semua. lagi merepek die cakap sebenarnye, lagi banyak topic die tak cover tu.

20. Time ni jugak lah baru terfikir kenapa lah aku tak study awal2. Kan senang. Haihh. Pastu ada pulak yang buat azam untuk semester depan. Tak nak buat dah macam sem sekarang. *padahal tiap2 sem azam sama. Tak berubah gak. Tak pun menjadi semangat dia masa awal sem je. Sampai minggu ketiga dah hancusss. 

p/s; aku rasa even budak pandai yang dah score markah carry marks pon study menggelabah jugak. Cuma diorang steady lagi la dari student yang study last minit. Muehehe. Konklusinya, jangan usik budak nak exam. Cepat je die nak naik darah. Sebab hormone dia semua tengah berlaga-laga. Otak pun dah overload

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Subhanallah.... quake shorten the day

Mon Mar 14, 9:56 am ET

Japan’s earthquake shifted balance of the planet

By Liz Goodwin
Last week's devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan has actually moved the island closer to the United States and shifted the planet's axis.
The quake caused a rift 15 miles below the sea floor that stretched 186 miles long and 93 miles wide, according to the AP. The areas closest to the epicenter of the quake jumped a full 13 feet closer to the United States, geophysicist Ross Stein at the United States Geological Survey told The New York Times.
The 9.0 magnitude quake (the fourth-largest recorded since 1900) was caused when the Pacific tectonic plate dove under the North American plate, which shifted Eastern Japan towards North America by about 13 feet (see NASA's before and after photos at right). The quake also shifted the earth's axis by 6.5 inches, shortened the day by 1.6 microseconds, and sank Japan downward by about two feet. As Japan's eastern coastline sunk, the tsunami's waves rolled in.
Why did the quake shorten the day?  The earth's mass shifted towards the center, spurring the planet to spin a bit faster. Last year's massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile also shortened the day, but by an even smaller fraction of a second. The 2004 Sumatra quake knocked a whopping 6.8 micro-seconds off the day.
After the country's 1995 earthquake, Japan placed high-tech sensors around the country to observe even the slightest movements, which is why scientists are able to calculate the quake's impact down to the inch. "This is overwhelmingly the best-recorded great earthquake ever," Lucy Jones, chief scientist for the Multi-Hazards project at the U.S. Geological Survey, told The Los Angeles Times.
The tsunami's waves necessitated life-saving evacuations as far away as Chile. Fisherman off the coast of Mexico reported a banner fishing day Friday, and speculated that the tsunami knocked sealife in their direction.
(An energy map provided by NOAA shows the intensity of the tsunami caused by Japan's earthquake: Reuters/NOAA. Below, Satellite image of Japan's coast moving: NASA.)
CORRECTION: This article originally attributed Lucy Jones' interview to the The Boston Herald.


aku suka dgn bait-bait lirik lagu nih....
sad but got inspiration from the lyrics...
jongmal johahae....

I was looking at my dream
that is being deemed far away
and I was standing blankly

i don’t have
anything left any more
I thought about giving up everything but..
I am standing up again

Even today, step by step
I step forward carefully
My heart is full of fear,
but it’s an excitement I’m embracing
I am staggering and shaking
But, I step forward towards
the dream that I am going to meet some day

As I’m thinking if it is going end like this,
a fear constantly comes,
I’m hesitating but…
Deep inside my heart
there’s an unstoppable beating
that drags me forward

Even today, step by step
I step forward carefully
My heart is full of fear,
but it’s an excitement I’m embracing
I am staggering and shaking
But, I step forward towards
the dream that I am going to meet some day

Even today, step by step
I step forward carefully
My heart is full of fear,
but it’s an excitement I’m embracing
I am staggering and shaking
But, I step forward towards
the dream that I am going to meet some day
towards the dream that I am going to meet some day
[by kim soo hyun]